Arabic Seeds February New Resources (2023) - Body Parts worksheets, Shapes Videos
Feb 28, 2023السلام عليكم/أهلا
Assalamu 3alaykum/Ahlan!
This month, we republished our Parents Guide ("How to pass on Arabic to our children") and created resources (worksheets and sentences strips with audio) to meaningfully practice the vocabulary words of the "My body بَدَني " Arabic themed unit.
We also uploaded two new videos to practice the vocabulary learned with our Shape Sorting Flashcards (previously published). We are now at 62 (no music, no ads, no inappropriate images) videos for our members!
Read more details below:
1) Body and Face Parts Worksheets (PDF + audio clip)
The following worksheets have been created to make learners of different levels practice/reinforce the vocabulary learned from the Body and Face Parts posters of the unit (published last month).
Members can download the worksheets files in the membership library here.
2) Body Parts Sentences Strips (PDF + Audio)
Using vocabulary words in real-life/meaningful sentences is essential to really acquire the language! Here are 20 sentences strips integrating the body parts vocabulary words used in the Body Unit (posters and flashcards).
- available in Arabic-only and Arabic-English PDF versions
- included: Arabic Audio Mp3 of the 20 sentences
- Suggestions of activities.
Members can download the sentences strips' files from the library here.
3) Shapes in Arabic VIDEOS #1 and #2
These videos include single-word vocabulary as well as sentences and daily-life items related to shapes in Arabic.
They have been created using our Shape Flashcards (found in a printable format in the membership library). The English meanings are included in this printable. The video is mostly in Arabic-only in order to make the learners focus on their Arabic listening and repeating/speaking skills.
Members can watch the video #1 inside the library here, and the video #2 here.
Members can also find these videos inside our video playlists.
4) Additional audio MP3 for the words of Arabic Body & Face Parts poster.
We uploaded an additional Arabic audio for the words of the pages 6 and 7 of the Body & Face Parts poster PDF. Posters published last month and available here inside the library.
5) Parents Guide "How to pass on Arabic to our children
In case you missed it, this month we also republished our Parents Guide "How to pass on Arabic to our children: our tips and recommendations" (for native or non-native speaking parents). Read it here on the blog!
Members can find a printable version of this guide inside the library here.
Happy Arabic learning & teaching!
Tag us on facebook and instagram @arabicseeds whenever you use our resources with your children or students! We love to see our resources in use!
- Emilie, Arabic Seeds founder.
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