Make your children/students learn Arabic in meaningful ways and live the language every day and everywhere, from the early years!

With our expanding online library of themed Arabic units and resources for children, we've got you covered!

That's over 300 organized Arabic Resources in total (printables, videos, audios, online games and quizzes), right here, at your finger tips!

Learn all about the Membership
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 Welcome! مرحبا

I am Emilie and I founded Arabic Seeds in 2015 to fulfill a need and to bring a solution to the challenges I was facing myself regarding teaching Arabic to children in a meaningful way as well as raising my own child as a non-native speaking mom.

Read more about us and our mission

What they say about Arabic Seeds

"As a student of the Arabic language and as I'm delving deeper into grammar and morphology, I can honestly say, your resources are highly underrated! The foundations you set for grammar and speech skills in Fus'ha (especially for a person who's native tongue is not Arabic) is unmatched."

Arabically Founder, Applied Linguistics Researcher

We absolutely love the versatile content developed by Arabic Seeds. Their simple format and catchy themes speak to the children and have been an integral part of our online programs at Arabically. Very few programs push you to learn and think in Arabic. Arabic Seeds is definitely one such portal that needs to be a part of your Arabic Learning Journey." 

eezee homeschool
Eezeehomeschool - homeschooler & Educator

"I love the fact that I can take out my planner and plan out our Arabic for the week from Arabic Seeds. It allows me to plan so easily because everything is in one place. I love the child friendly learning approach with the halal illustration! If you're looking for a website to help your child learn Arabic then please check out Arabic seeds."

Umm Assad Homeschool

Arabic is my second language but just as any subject, it’s not easy to teach. Discovering Arabicseeds is like discovering gold, only better. [...] The resources fit so wonderfully for all learning styles with the various approaches used per Unit such as reading, writing, listening and even speaking. Arabicseeds is not like most other programmes we’ve used out there. We love the use of the everyday sentences and being able to listen to a cute Arabic voice that the children can engage in. It’s so addictive, my children are really enjoying the full subscription (toddler included). If you want to start speaking Arabic today, start with Arabicseeds, you truly are living the Arabic language with these amazing resources. Jazaakom Allaahu khair!"

 Tarbiyah Outside The Box

When it comes to teaching my kids (and myself) Arabic I like to use a blend of videos, worksheets, and books. For videos, I usually search on YouTube and for worksheets I browse the web for what I need. When I came across Arabic Seeds I was ecstatic, because all the resources I needed were in one place, alhamdulillaah! We use Arabic Seeds to supplement our study of the Madinah Arabic Reader series. Maa shaa Allaah, the thematic learning approach makes it easy for us to use what we learn right away in our daily vocabulary!

eezee homeschool
Ula - Homeschooler

"Learning isn't only in a classroom, this is one of the reasons I love Arabic Seeds because it makes that possible. It's not just worksheets, but allows you to live the Arabic language by using labels to label things around the house, placemats to use while eating, games and books so even in times when you need quiet time the children can spend time benefiting and learning."

What's inside the Arabic Seeds membership

Themed units

Each unit includes a variety of resources (printables, audios, videos, online quizzes & games) that work together to make learners learn, live and love Arabic.

Bonus Resources

Alphabet Resources, Daily Life in Arabic Resources, Other Fun & Basic Resources 

The Arabic Seeds Membership

  • The core: engaging themed UNITS
  • Bonus Resources
Read all about the membership