Let's plant the Arabic fluency seeds! Arabic is a living language for every day and everywhere!
Get access to 300 engaging Arabic resources for kids, organized into 24 themed units/categories!
💭 Do you hear yourself in one or more of the following?
- What if my children/students could find Arabic learning more meaningful and relevant to their life?
- What if my children/students could see how Arabic is a living language and not a dead language that is only read and written and kept in notebooks?
- What if, from the earliest years, I could naturally expose my children to Arabic grammar and vocabulary, and lay a great foundation for (future) formal lessons?
- What if, as a non-native speaking parent, I could learn vocabulary and key phrases alongside my children in order to reuse the language in our life and boost our learning journey?
- What if I could have access to resources adapted to non-native speakers, with the necessary harakat ("vowels") in the Arabic text, with some useful translations and with Arabic voice records to hear the correct pronunciation?!
- I am already so busy and overwhelmed! What if I could save time and have access to a year (and more!) of organized, engaging, quality Arabic teaching resources in one place?!
Search no longer... 🤗 we’ve got you covered!👇

The core: 21 themed units
Each unit includes a variety of resources (printables, audios, videos, online quizzes and games) that work together and aim at:
- bringing a meaningful context and engaging learners into learning,
- introducing learners to new vocabulary words and key phrases relevant to real-life and child-friendly topics,
- making learners practice the 4 interdependent language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing (or pre-reading and pre-writing for younger children),
- giving them the confidence to reuse what they have learned in real situations.
And our printables are available in Arabic-only and Arabic-English to help non-native speakers. We also provide a lot of audios and read-aloud videos to help with pronunciation and vocabulary retention.
NEW: For muslim educators, we are adding islamic references relevant to the topic of each unit to help them connect Arabic learning to verses or ahadeeths - بأذن الله
- Alphabet Resources,
- Daily life in Arabic resources,
- Basic & Fun resources
Variety of formats: printables, audios, videos.

Core + Bonus = 24 themed units/categories = more than 300 organized Arabic resources
at your fingertips! 🤩
Now, have a look at the inside of the membership library! 👀👇
Not sure yet? No problem! Read even more details below! 👇
3) Our resources in use
4) Frequently Asked Questions

"We absolutely love the versatile content developed by Arabic Seeds. Their simple format and catchy themes speak to the children and have been an integral part of our online programs at Arabically. Very few programs push you to learn and think in Arabic. Arabic Seeds is definitely one such portal that needs to be a part of your Arabic Learning Journey."
- Arabically Founder and Applied Linguistics Researcher - UAE 🇦🇪

" Arabic Seeds has been a fantastic resource for my family to learn and study Arabic. My children enjoy the stories, rhymes, videos, worksheets and other activities they include for each topic. They have made it so much easier for me to teach them on the necessary things we need to know. Thank you so much and keep up the great work! Jazakum Allahu Khairan"
- Katarina (Canada 🇨🇦 )

"As a student of the Arabic language and as I'm delving deeper into grammar and morphology, I can honestly say, your resources are highly underrated! The foundations you set for grammar and speech skills in Fus'ha (especially for a person who's native tongue is not Arabic) is unmatched."

"Discovering Arabic Seeds is like discovering gold, only better.”[...] The resources fit so wonderfully for all learning styles with the various approaches used per Unit such as reading, writing, listening and even speaking. Arabic Seeds is not like most other programmes we’ve used out there. We love the use of the everyday sentences and being able to listen to a cute Arabic voice that the children can engage in. It’s so addictive, my children are really enjoying the full subscription (toddler included). If you want to start speaking Arabic today, start with Arabic Seeds, you truly are living the Arabic language with these amazing resources."
- Umm Assad (homeschooler) - UK 🇬🇧

"MashaAllah tabarakAllah, arabicseeds have some wonderful resources for parents to utilise in their daily routine to help with Arabic speaking and understanding! I love that it's all nicely organised, it includes fun activities and videos. It helps non Arab speakers and much more. What makes it even better is that it is affordable! May Allah reward all your hard work. Ameen.

"Learning isn't only in a classroom, this is one of the reasons I love Arabic Seeds because it makes that possible. It's not just worksheets, but allows you to live the Arabic language by using labels to label things around the house, placemats to use while eating, games and books so even in times when you need quiet time the children can spend time benefiting and learning."
- Ula @when2became4plus1 (homeschooler) - UK 🇬🇧

"When I came across Arabic Seeds I was ecstatic, because all the resources I needed were in one place, alhamdulillaah! We use Arabic Seeds to supplement our study of the Madinah Arabic Reader series. Maa shaa Allaah, the thematic learning approach makes it easy for us to use what we learn right away in our daily vocabulary!"
- Tarbiyah Outside The Box

"Arabic Seeds have truly transformed the learning of our little preschooler. Alhamdulillaah. We really love the way of presentation and the effort put into making these child friendly resources. It is pleasing to see such an initiative that does not restrict this rich language to just vocabulary and grammar only, rather it is focusing on making non-native Arabic speakers start speaking and living the language. All of the resources go so well with our Pre Kinder Curriculum Pack that we are following with the fellow homeschoolers and every child is enjoying and benefitting."
- Umm Maimoonah (Homeschooler, Online teacher)

Greeting & Introducing myself UNIT
Unit introducing our Arabic-speaking kittens, Nashoot & Bannoon and is based on our story "Nashoot meets Bannoon".
12 resources: Hello and Goodbye Rhymes (1 PDF + 2 read-aloud VIDEOs), Story (1 PDF + 1 read-aloud VIDEO), Flashcards and Sentences Strips (2 PDFs + 1 read-aloud VIDEO), About Me PDF, words & letters Worksheets PDF, Reading puzzles & Crosswords PDF, Introducing Myself Worksheets PDF

Fall's Treasures UNIT
Based on our lovely seasonal story "Fall's Treasures"
10 resources: Story and Fall Scavenger Hunt List (PDF + read-aloud VIDEO), Flashcards & Color sorting activity (1 PDF + 2 VIDEOS), words-and-letters Worksheets PDF, Reading puzzles PDF, Crosswords PDF, 2 ONLINE GAMES, "The Pumpkin Pie" short text (1 PDF + AUDIO mp3)

My house and My family UNIT
Based on our great story "Welcome to our house"
10 resources: "Welcome to our house" Story PDF, Story Read-aloud video, Household objects Placing activity, House Actions Short Sentences Builder, House "Find the correct object" ONLINE GAME, House Reading Puzzles PDF, "In my bedroom" short text (PDF + AUDIO mp3), House Worksheets PDF, House Objects Labels PDF, "The Funny elephant House" tutorial VIDEO.

"My body" UNIT
14 resources: "My body" book (1 PDF + 1 read-aloud VIDEO), Body and Face Parts Posters (1 PDF), Body Parts Flashcards with plurals (1 PDF), Body parts Worksheets (1 PDF + audio), 2 Online Quizzes, Body parts Sentences Strips (1 PDF + Audio MP3), 2 Body Parts Sentences VIDEOS, Health & Hygiene Sheets (1 PDF + audio), Hands and Fingers Names Sheets (1 PDF), "Head, shoulder, knee, foot" Movement Rhyme (1 PDF + Audio mp3), "If you are happy" Movement Rhyme (1 PDF + Audio mp3).

Park & Playground UNIT
Based on our enjoyable story "I go to the park".
12 resources: Park Story (1 PDF + 1 read-aloud VIDEO), Park Vocabulary PDF (mats, labels, scavenger list), Park Colouring sheets PDF, Park Crosswords PDF, Park Speaking Game PDF, Park Quiz Cards (PDF + 3 VIDEOS), Park words and letters Worksheets PDF, Park ONLINE GAME.

All about birds UNIT
Based on our great story "Are you a hoopoe?".
11 resources: Story (1 PDF + 1 read-aloud VIDEO), Bird Unit cover and banner PDF, Birds Info Sheets PDF, Birds Body Parts Flashcards (1 PDF + 1 VIDEO), Bird Handwriting worksheets PDF, Birds Crosswords PDF, Birds Reading Puzzles PDF, Birds words and letters Worksheets PDF, "My friend the parrot" short text (PDF + AUDIO mp3)

Schooling supplies and actions UNIT
This unit will get you ready for a new year and teaches about the essential "schooling" supplies and actions for use not only in the classroom but also at home.
11 resources: Lunar/Gregorian printable Calendar (PDF), School Supplies posters PDF, School Actions Poster & Commands PDF, School Supplies Labels PDF, School Sentences Strips (1 PDF + 1 VIDEO), Supplies words & letters Worksheets PDF, School Supplies & Actions VIDEO, "What's in my pencil case?" VIDEO, "First day of school/homeschool" Posters PDF, "A card for mom" tutorial VIDEO.

Winter joys UNIT
Based on our lovely story "With grandpa and grandma in the mountains".
13 resources: Story (1 PDF + 1 read-aloud VIDEO), Story Comprehension Worksheets PDF, Flashcards & Sentences Strips (2 PDFs + 1 VIDEO), words & letters Worksheets PDF, Crosswords PDF, "Make a snowman" ONLINE GAME & PDF, "How to make a snowman" VIDEO, Snowglobe Craft & PDF, "Cold days" short text (1 PDF + 1 AUDIO mp3).

I love spring UNIT
Based on our enjoyable story "I love spring".
10 resources: Spring Story (1 PDF + 1 read-aloud VIDEO), Spring story Copywriting sheets PDF, Spring rhyme (PDF + AUDIO mp3), Spring Crosswords PDF, Spring words and letters Worksheets PDF, "The end of winter" short text with audio, Butterfly lifecycle PDF, Bees Worksheets, Flower Worksheets.

My little garden UNIT
This unit is amazing when used during your gardening activities!
8 resources: Gardening Vocabulary pack (how to plant, plants’ needs, from seed to tree) PDF, "My little garden" 3 VIDEOS (+ PDF Transcripts), "Here is a seed" Rhyme (PDF + AUDIO mp3), 2 Online quizzes about the videos, Tree-part Cards PDF.

In the good city UNIT (vehicles, occupations, places)
Based on our great story "Nashoot and Bannoon In the Good city"
11 resources: Story (1 PDF + 1 read-aloud VIDEO), City Flashcards PDF, City Sentences Strips (1 PDF + 2 VIDEOS), DIY printable 3D City PDF, City Story comprehension Worksheets PDF, City words and letters Worksheets PDF, "In my new city" short text (PDF + AUDIO mp3), City Reading Puzzles PDF.

Fruit Salad UNIT
This lovely unit is based on our Fruit Salad recipe and Fruits Basket Rhyme.
9 resources: Fruit Salad recipe Sheet & Cards (1 PDF + 1 VIDEO), Fruit Basket Rhyme (PDF + AUDIO mp3), Fruits Flashcards & Questions strips PDF, Fruit Salad recipe printable activity PDF , Fruits Poster and sheets PDF, Fruits words and letters Worksheets PDF, Fruits Crosswords PDF, Fruits Reading Puzzles PDF.

Under the sea UNIT
Based on our enjoyable story "Where is the pearl?".
13 resources: Story (1 PDF + 1 read-aloud VIDEO), Sea Creatures Flashcards PDF, Sea Sentences Strips (1 PDF + 2 VIDEOS), "The whale" Rhyme (PDF + AUDIO mp3), Sea Story comprehension Worksheets PDF, Sea words and letters Worksheets PDF, Sea Crosswords PDF, Story Handwriting Worksheets PDF, Sea Reading Puzzles PDF, Oceans & Continents sheets PDF (geography in Arabic).

Where is the cat? UNIT (place prepositions)
Based on our fun "Where is the cat?" printable book and on kids' bedroom vocabulary.
8 resources: "Where is the cat?" printable book (1 PDF + 1 read-aloud VIDEO), Place prepositions Flashcards & Labels (1 PDF + 1 VIDEO), 3 ONLINE GAMES, Kids' bedroom worksheets and crosswords PDF.

Five Senses at the Beach UNIT
Based on our enjoyable story "Five senses at the beach".
9 resources: Story (1 PDF + 1 read-aloud VIDEO), "My Five Senses" Rhyme (PDF + AUDIO mp3), "My Five Senses" Worksheets PDF, Beach Flashcards & Sentences Strips (1 PDF + 2 VIDEOS), Beach Crosswords and colouring sheet PDF, Five Senses at the Beach ONLINE GAME.

Space UNIT
Based on our great story "Nashoot & Bannoon learn about the stars and the moon".
9 resources: Story (1 PDF + 1 read-aloud VIDEO), Space Flashcards & Sentences strips (1 PDF + 1 VIDEO), Space story comprehension worksheets PDF, Space words and letters Worksheets & Crosswords PDF, Rocket Alphabet colouring sheet PDF, Space ONLINE QUIZ, Cardinal Points & Lunar Months sheets PDF.

Animals & little stories UNIT
7 resources: Animals Book (1 PDF + 1 read-aloud VIDEO), Animal words & letters Worksheets & Crossword PDF, words & short sentences Worksheets PDF, "The rabbit and its friends" short story (1 PDF + 1 AUDIO mp3), "The lamb" short story (1 PDF + 1 AUDIO mp3). "In a quiet forest" (1 PDF + 1 AUDIO mp3).

Based on our story "I visited my uncle's farm".
14 resources: Farm Story (1 PDF + 1 read-aloud VIDEO), Farm Rhyme (1 PDF + 1 read-aloud VIDEO), Farm Animals Online Quiz, Farm letters-and-words Worksheets and Crosswords PDF, Farm Products printable Activity pack, 2 Farm Products VIDEOS, 2 Farm Products online QUIZZES, Farm Animals Families sorting Flashcards PDF and Audio, 2 Farm Families VIDEOS

Ramadan UNIT (free unit)
Based on our great Arabic counting story "From 0 to 10 in Ramadan".
8 resources: Ramadan Story (1 PDF + 1 read-aloud VIDEO), Ramadan Flashcards PDF, Ramadan Sentences strips (1 PDF + 1 VIDEO), Eid Mubarak printable Card PDF, DIY Eid Mubarak Arabic banner, Space story comprehension worksheets PDF, Ramadan words and letters Worksheets PDF.

"At the construction site" UNIT
Based on our printable book "At the construction site".
7 resources so far: Printable "At the construction site" Book PDF, Construction Flashcards and Labels Set (words and sentences building) PDF, Construction letters & words Worksheets PDF, Construction Crosswords PDF, Construction Reading Puzzles PDF, "Play & talk in Arabic" Practical PDF, printable Unit banner PNG.
More to come in this unit!

"Polar Animals" UNIT
Based on our story "Nashoot and Banoon in the North Pole".
8 resources so far: Printable Story PDF, Read-aloud Story VIDEO, Penguin Movements Rhyme (PDF + Audio MP3), North Pole Flashcards PDF (+ audio), North Pole letters & words Worksheets PDF, North Pole Crosswords PDF, North Pole Reading Puzzles PDF.
More to come in this unit!
3) Our resources in use

4) FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions
What is the language acquisition approach that Arabic Seeds promotes?
How do you support non-native speakers?
What do members receive access to each month? Is there a lineup of units, and does the resources stay available even when we are done with a unit?
What Arabic language skills/knowledge are required on my part in order to use your resources?
Is your membership a grammar curriculum?
What is the recommended age/level of your resources?
Can I use only one Membership subscription for all the children in my household?
Can I use only one Membership subscription for my Arabic Playgroup, Homeschool Group, or Classroom?
Do you offer discounts for schools, groups, charities etc?
Can I use your website on different electronic devices?
Will I be able to download your videos and online games?
Will I receive physical products in the mail?
Contact us if you have further questions.
Or choose your plan below to subscribe! 👇
Let's plant the Arabic seeds together!
Get access to 300 engaging Arabic resources for children organized into 24 themed units/categories.