Arabic Seeds July Resources (2023) - Materials and Space themed Arabic resources
Jul 25, 2023السلام عليكم/أهلا
Assalamu 3alaykum/Ahlan!
What's new at Arabic Seeds?
We have started posting free Saturday Arabic Learning bites reels on Instagram around the "I take care of my body" topic, inspired by one of our "My body" Arabic unit's resources. To add more fun, after posting each reel, we add quizzes to our IG stories. Read on to get the link to the Saturday Arabic learning reels!
Inside our membership's library, we uploaded two videos for Arabic learners about materials in Arabic (they are based on our previously-published "Materials in Arabic" Flashcards for an enhanced learning!). We also added an online Arabic Quiz to our Space-themed Arabic unit.
See more below!
1) Arabic Space story QUIZ
This Arabic quiz is based on the Arabic Space Story Worksheets of our Space-themed unit. It is made to assess the key Arabic vocabulary that has been learned using the different resources of the unit.
Members can take the quiz here in our Arabic Space Unit inside the membership library.
2) Materials in Arabic videos #1 and #2
These videos aim at helping learners retain the vocabulary and short sentences about materials in Arabic. They are based on the printable Materials Sorting Flashcards that we published last month.
This "Materials in Arabic" video #1 covers 4 materials: wood, plastic, metal, glass.
Members can watch this Arabic video from inside the library in the "Basic and Fun resources" category. The video has also been added to our Videos Playlists ("All videos" Playlist, "Basic and Fun" Playlist, and "Daily life" Playlist).
This "Materials in Arabic" video #2 covers 4 materials: gold, fabric, clay, paper.
Members can watch this Arabic Video from the membership library here. The video has also been added to our Videos Playlists ("All videos" Playlist, "Basic and Fun" Playlist, and "Daily life" Playlist).
3) "I take care of my body" Free Arabic Learning bites
Watch, listen and learn some short everyday Arabic sentences from these reels and don't forget to practise with your family!
Happy Arabic learning & teaching!
Tag us on facebook and instagram @arabicseeds whenever you use our resources with your children or students! We love to see our resources in use!
- Emilie, Arabic Seeds founder.
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