Arabic Seeds August (2023) News - Days of the week, Hygiene & Health, Space
Aug 29, 2023السلام عليكم/أهلا
Assalamu 3alaykum/Ahlan!
What's new at Arabic Seeds?
- First of all, for our non-member readers, our Back-to-school/homeschool SALE is currently running. Don't miss it! Read all about our membership (content, reviews, FAQs) and subscribe today to jump start your year with Arabic enrichment!
- Alhamdulillah we created a new read-aloud video based on our "I take care of my body" (Health & Hygiene) Arabic printable from the Body unit. We also updated and re-uploaded our "Days of the week in Arabic" printable (and added an audio). And we finally updated the last read-aloud video of our Space themed Arabic unit!
See more in details below:
1) "I take care of my body and health" Arabic VIDEO
This Arabic video is based on the sentences of our "I take care of my body" Arabic printable included in our Body themed Arabic unit for kids. As always, our videos have no music, no ads, and use appropriate images only.
Members can watch this video here inside the membership library. It has also been added to the Video Playlists ("All videos" playlist and "Daily life in Arabic" playlist) that members can access from this page.
Non members can watch some bites from the following Instagram HIghlight.
2) Arabic Days of the Week printable and audio mp3
We updated and re-uploaded our "Days of the week in Arabic" printable resource! So handy for preschoolers' learning! We made it fun with our kitten character, Bannoon, to place on the right day-wagon. We also recorded an Arabic audio to help with memorization and pronunciation.
Members can download it from this page inside the "Basic and fun Arabic resources" category of the membership library.
3) Updated Arabic Space Flashcards and Sentences read-aloud VIDEO
This video has been updated with a new voice-over and new images, and goes with our printable Arabic Space Flashcards and Sentences strips from our Space themed Unit.
Members can watch it from inside the membership's library here, or from our Video Playlists.
Happy Arabic learning & teaching!
Tag us on facebook and instagram @arabicseeds whenever you use our resources with your children or students! We love to see our resources in use!
- Emilie, Arabic Seeds founder.
PS: if you are not a member yet, our Back-to-school/homeschool SALE is currently running. Don't miss it! Read all about our membership (content, reviews, FAQs) and subscribe today to jump start your year with Arabic enrichment!
Get access to 250+ Arabic resources (printables, videos, audios, online quizzes and games), organized into themed units and categories. Subscribe here.
Sign up for our newsletter and get our free Arabic Morning & Evening Routines Bundle!
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